Emergency Order After Winter Storm Uri
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Misc. Docket No. 21-9027
Pursuant to Section 81.061 of the Texas Government Code, and notwithstanding Chapter 81, Subchapter G, an attorney who is licensed to practice law in another U.S. jurisdiction and who meets the following criteria is permitted to practice Texas law for six months from the date of this order:
1. the attorney is in good standing and authorized to practice law with the entity that governs the practice of law in the jurisdiction where the attorney is licensed;
2. the attorney agrees to abide by the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct and to submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Texas and the State Bar of Texas;
3. the attorney is providing pro bono services through a legal-aid organization, pro bono program, or a bar association that provides services to victims of Winter Storm Uri; and
4. the attorney registers to provide services through legal aid or pro bono program at www.probonotexas.org/uri before providing services under this Order.