What Is A Disaster?
Not Just Hurricanes Anymore

The word “disaster” generally brings to mind natural disasters that cause billions of dollars of damages to homes and businesses. Things like hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes. As Texans, we have more than a passing familiarity in dealing with disasters and their aftermath. We developed TDLH to help survivors deal with legal issues that arise in the aftermath of a disaster, as well as to help volunteers connect not only to people who need help but to vital resources to help in the provision of services. Our initial focus was on survivors of Hurricane Harvey.
In 2020, the entire world realized that a disaster could be so much more than a hurricane affecting a limited region. The unprecedented global pandemic gave rise to a multitude of issues that will continue into the future. The pandemic forced the world to change how they defined a disaster. TDLH has done the same. As the widespread effects of the ongoing pandemic became more evident, Lone Star Legal Aid, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas began having conversations about broadening the definition of “disaster” for purposes of TDLH.
The collaborative partners are excited to announce that we have expanded the TDLH websites to cover a broader range of disasters, including the ongoing pandemic and the most recent Texas weather crisis. Our sites include resources related to a variety of legal issues that arise in the aftermath of a broader definition of disaster, including the pandemic.
Ester Torres/Intake Supervisor for Administration and Project Lead/Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas